Don't call it a comeback, I've been here for years ...
Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years…

I’m an OG on social

and a collector of friends in real life (so you might already know all my secrets

But if you’re brand new to me … please allow me to introduce myself.

Lizzie Larock

I’m an ace coach ðĄ when it comes to creating a joy-inducing, perfectionism crushing, non people-pleasing, de-stressed version of LIFE that feels like an absolute delicious FEAST (and not like crumbs, cardboard or life’s leftovers ).

If you’re nodding your head and thinking, Lizzie, please hand me this charcuterie board version of life cause I’m sick of the lunchables version, then have some of my burrata, my friend…
Because my mission is to keep people from letting midlife stress, busyness (and socially prescribed roles) turn their big, beautiful life to RUST.
Yes that’s rust not dust …

I believe you can bury your dreams, but you will bury them ALIVE.

I believe you get to re-define whatever decade you’re in, no matter how much you have going on.

I believe you can unsubscribe from playing small and reinvent how life is “supposed to look” at any age.

I believe you’re meant to be more than an uber driver for your offspring.

I believe you can be a badass at work and love on your family without giving up everything in life that makes you feel like YOU.

I believe that the real reason you haven’t gotten here on your own is because NOBODY EVER TAUGHT YOU THIS. It wasn’t on the spelling test you aced in 3rd grade. In fact, you got the opposite messaging! Don't make mistakes, be perfect, get straight A's, don't think about yourself until the kids are grown and flown, don't ask for what you need.

And I believe that if this is our last dance, we need to have enough energy and self-love to strut it up in this half of life Freddie Mercury or David Bowie style!
****My 1:1 coaching clients and Life Feasters are doing exactly this! They are resting like they mean it, playing BIG like life isn't a spectator sport, asking for support, setting boundaries like badasses and CREATING the big feasty life they know is meant for them. They also have massive appreciation for where they've been.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to quit your job, sell your kids or move to an island for this to be a reality.

You don’t have to burn it all down just to feel more lit up.
And it’s ok if you’re struggling to discern what you even want right now.

But it’s not ok to let that mean inner critic tell you it’s too late, you’re too old or you’re too busy or this will cost too much.

You’re feeling this right now precisely because
THE TIME IS NOW and it is far past time you invested both time and money in what makes you come ALIVE…

And I’m on a mission to reconnect you to you to YOU.
Here’s how I can help:

DM me to get on a Zoom so we can redefine what life can look like on your terms (complimentary session).

Join the Life Feast right => now (it’s easy, it’s fulfilling, it’s the perfect start to tapping back into YOU).

DM me to get on my waitlist for the get out of perfectionism ONLINE workshop that's happening in August. It will be

Our culture is flawed, but a feasty, fulfilling life is your birthright.
And it’s time to stop procrastinating YOU into the next decade.

So hop on my calendar right =>
here. And subscribe to my emails as you don’t miss these

I’m dropping all month.
Wishing you feasty, feisty, flourishing–
Lizzie Larock
Creator of
The Life Feast: workshops, retreats, programs and 1:1 coaching