Do a 15-second photo meditation with me at golden hour


‍A morning meditation practice starts your day with calm intention (much better than starting your day with the outside world’s chaotic agenda).

It boosts your focus, decompresses your nervous system and is an anchor point of relaxation throughout your day.

I was laying in bed this morning on our vacation in Northern Michigan, not entirely thrilled to be wide awake at 5:30am. Matt rolled over and said, “look we’re on on golden pond this morning”. I looked out the window and it was gorgeous out. How he knew this through the blackout shades is a mystery, especially since we’ve had quite a few rainy mornings, up here, but I’m glad he spoke up.

I made my way down to the lake (a 20-second walk) to enjoy listening to the lapping waves while watching the sunrise.

It was beautiful.

So much of photography is a meditation to me, a living, breathing, walking, shooting mindfulness experience, but this morning was even more lovely because I was in such awe of...

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