How I edit iPhone photos to look like film in less than 5 minutes


Ever wanted your iPhone photos to look more vintage? There are so many apps that can create film-like edits, these days, but I want to show you a Life Feast member favorite.

Why film? Because amidst the heat dome, a contentious election and my desire to not see new horrors on social media these days, I need to remind myself what life was like when cameras were plastic, popsicles were plentiful, life was uncomplicated, and instant gratification meant 1 hour photo labs or Polaroid cameras.    

(me as a small child, 1979)

Plus the textures, grain, light leaks, emulsions, grain and grit of the old film days make our overly glossy digitized lives look more ethereal, moody, patina'd and just plain interesting. 

If you're wanting to give your doom scrolling a creative reprieve with some nostalgic 5-minute film-esque fun on your digital camera roll, watch this quick video on how to use Mextures to do some 5-minute film-like...

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