Over 50 Easy & Creative iPhone photo prompts!
(no photography experience needed)! 

Want to reduce stress and feel more calm, present, mindful and joyous? 

It's time to go for a photo walk.

Even if you're cooped up inside, limited to your living room or your neighborhood, this free photo walk guide will have you seeing your familiar world with fresh eyes (and you'll LOVE the photos!) 

You can do the photo walk with your family or solo for some sanity (and creativity) time. 

  • Over 50 creative ideas to use on a photo walk (you only need an iPhone or an Android and you'll love the results).
  • The prompts in the guide are perfect for photo walks that are either indoors or outdoors (perfect for getting creative during this extended time at home).
  • Ideal for both families and individuals. You'll see familiar surroundings with fresh eyes, increase your creativity and everyone can play along. 
  • A quick video tutorial explaining shooting techniques you've probably never heard of before (tips that will make your photos so much better!).
  • No sourdough bread starter required, no messy DIY Pinterest fails to feel successful, no you don't have to learn guitar or become fluent in French during this downtime. This is a fun and easy way to more creatively spend your time without having 3 million more things to clean up in your kitchen. 

Hey there! I'm Lizzie Larock.

I’m a photographer, writer and a positive psychology based creativity coach. I’m also a formerly stressed out basket case who used to own a 300-seat restaurant, raised toddler twins, and took care of my husband through 7 orthopaedic surgeries - and used the magic of photography to change my perspective to see things in a new way.

I can’t wait to show you how to significantly reduce stress and amplify joy with a photo walk.


Almost there!

Enter your name and best e-mail address to get your free Photo Walk Guide.