An online creative program where you will reduce stress, get back your time, be more mindful and fall in love with your life. The Life Feast closes for enrollment on March 1, 2021! Join now before it closes.
Led by: Lizzie Larock - Photographer, Writer, Positive Psychology Coach

Are you stressed and struggling to carve out time for yourself in between all of your responsibilities?
✔️Do you dream of ripping the pages out of your adult coloring book and setting them on fire (or is that just me right now!?!)
✔️ Is the kitchen table classroom just one more thing that has thrown your life into upheaval, this fall?
✔️Or are you turning to the fridge for fulfillment - ice cream, chocolate, rose - anything that might keep you from melting down since the “new normal” is anything but.
I’m Lizzie and I created The Life Feast Program for you and for me, because, as women, we tend to subsist on just the crumbs of everyone else’s lives, putting our own needs on the back burner.
I love helping women like you prioritize themselves, so that instead of turning to the fridge for fulfillment or only focusing on the maintenance, the minutiae, and the mother effin’ craziness happening right now, we can savor the tiny, beautiful moments and create more meaning even in the mundane.

I’m a photographer, a writer and a positive psychology based creativity coach. I’m also a formerly stressed out basket case who used to own a 300-seat restaurant, raised toddler twins and took care of my husband through 7 orthopaedic surgeries.
Let’s just say I am no stranger to stress.
I created The Life Feast program based on my journey of changing my perspective to see things in a new way and significantly reducing my own stress while amplifying the good in my life.
Everything in The Life Feast has been my go-to solution for coping when my life has been a "haute mess" and what I use to celebrate when my life has been a joyous thrill ride.
And I'd love to teach you how to savor, swoon and, most importantly, feast on your life!

The Life Feast is an online positive psychology coaching program + nourishing community + creative photography class -- with a smidge of SNL or Holderness Family thrown in (we laugh a lot in the Life Feast).
The Life Feast happens online and “in the wild”. You will reduce stress, get back your time, be more mindful, and fall in love with your life.

🍴Life Feast is a movement and a mission—a nudge to step out of the carpool line and the work circus every once in a while and try on some creativity.
🍴It's a reminder of how good it feels to put your own needs on the front burner, rather than leaving them scorched in the oven.
🍴It's a community of women supporting each other in living big, bold, brave, creative lives.
🍴It's mindfulness for anyone who has an aversion to 'mindfulness.' [cue eye rolls]
🍴And it’s based in the rigorously researched, evidence-based, scientific study of positive psychology. You don’t have to “guess” if what’s in The Life Feast will help you. It will.

Alethea Stone
Life Feast gave me something fun to do that was JUST FOR ME at a time when I ended up being extremely focused on what my three small children needed from me in the new world of distance learning. Thank you Lizzie! I can't wait to keep learning from you. - Alethea Stone, working mom of 3 and Life Feaster

Life Feast features bite-sized “courses” (aka: lessons) on creativity, curiosity, awe, gratitude, adventure, flow, optimism, resilience and vitality.
Each “course” of The Life Feast is filled with stories and inspiration from positive psychology, creativity, and photography. Everything is recorded (it's even available as an app), so you can watch or listen on your own time and dip into the feast as much or as little as you want, so that you don't get overwhelmed.
I promise, there is no such thing as being “behind” in The Life Feast. The only way to do Life Feast wrong, is if you give up on yourself.
This was made for busy people. I got you.

Life Feast "courses" & Bites
"Appy" Hour & Mindset Calls
Life Lens Prompts
Life Feast Bonuses!

Photography can help you focus on a fresh perspective.
It gets you out of your mindless munching, stress-induced space and into a relaxed, peaceful and vibrant state.
But don’t worry, no photography skills are required for The Life Feast. You don’t even need a camera, your phone is perfect for the feast.

Photography, is both a creative habit and a positive psychology tool:
📷 It sparks our creativity, even when we’re relegated to our same four walls or our own backyard.
📷 It taps into our curiosity, especially when we’re stuck in midlife or mom malaise.
📷 It helps us appreciate, remember and savor what we don't want to forget in life.
📷 Creative phone photography can be done on the fly. Anywhere. Anytime. It's accessible and easy. Our phone cameras are always with us!

Laura Rosenberg
Savoring, play + parade really resonate with me. I loved the lessons and then doing the prompts, there is just so much to say about how awesome this program is! What you say about being happier, more mindful, slowing down, savoring and the photo exercises really brings it home. And it keeps the whole slowing down piece in front of me. Life Feast has woken me up to the world! I’m not kidding - it has been POWERFUL!!!

Creative habits, such as photography, also give us the confidence and courage to CREATE in ALL areas of our lives…
✔️ Want to create a better career?
✔️ Create a better morning routine?
✔️ Create a more robust bank account?
✔️ Create Better relationships?
Our best life doesn’t just “happen” to us. We create it!
Creativity is good for your health!
And, side bonus, countless scientific studies have shown that creative habits can:
✔️lower your cortisol
✔️lower your blood pressure
✔️lower your body mass index
✔️and lower your desire to scream alone in the bathroom*.
*ok there aren't scientific studies on this last one, except field studies in my own life. Trust me, creativity works.

Karen Goedert
Lizzie’s Life Feast is amazing!! I swear some of your life tips helped give me the courage to
make a life change!! New job after ten years! You definitely were a part of giving me the courage to take the plunge!


I love seeing everyone’s beautiful artwork and I love Lizzie’s spunky, upbeat, zest for life! I really, really enjoyed the life feast moments away from everyday life. It felt good to slow down and savor the beauty that surrounds me every day. At the time I signed up, I needed a boost of positivity. I took this class during a tough time in my life, and honestly wasn’t sure how fully I’d be able to engage. But I quickly learned that the course modules were short and packed with information I could use to help me navigate this difficult time.
Using a combination of positive psychology and photography, Lizzie offers a unique way to encourage students to “flip their focus” to see life through a different lens. Participating in the Life Feast reminded me to find joy in every single day, and to slow down, even just for a moment, to savor life’s beauty. I definitely take more time now to notice art in everyday things. I use what I learned in the Life Feast every single day and my camera roll is filled with ceiling selfies, slowtos, and playful photos.Thank you, Lizzie! I love this program.
-Shea Cochran, working mom of two and life feaster

🍴If you’re someone who has spent the last decade ...
driving your kids around to activities, secretly wishing you could swap after school schedules for a day and find some joy in dance classes, art classes, music classes rather than just be the chauffeur.
🍴If you want to get creative again!
Maybe you were creative as a kid or a teen and all that adulting you’ve been doing over the last 20 years has kind of squeezed the colors right out of the crayon box. If your soul’s crayon box looks the color of something the dog just spit up, you’ll love The Life Feast!
🍴If you’re tired of feeling like a professional emailer or Facebook scroller...
or a professional bill payer, or professional permission slip signer, or a professional carpool driver, professional social media scroller and professional text message answerer.
Basically, if you feel like you spend 90% of your life on the maintenance of everyone else’s lives, if that’s you, you’ll love The Life Feast.
Even if you’ve never felt creative in your whole life, if you love spreadsheets and numbers, don’t scroll on by, I’m pretty sure that just like the many lawyers, doctors, accountants and bankers who are in The Life Feast community, you’ll love it too.

Jennifer Maginnis
Last week I was in a Hallmark movie, this week I’m in an art show. Thank you, Lizzie Larock, for reminding me how important it is to dream big, how to take care of myself, and most of all help me remember who I am!!
Life Feast taught me I am happiest when I am being creative and engaging in the fun, not just orchestrating other people’s fun. - Jennifer Maginnis (working mom of two and a Life Feaster)

Life Feast takes the hell out of self help. If you've read every self help book, tried (and failed) at meditation, or light up at an inspirational quote - only to forget what it said moments later - this program is for you.
Our supportive community awaits to give you the accountability you crave to carve more time for YOU, reduce stress, and start really LIVING. This is an incredible group of women choosing to buck the status quo and do mid-life differently.
It's the only creativity & coaching course of its kind that not only shows you how to be more creative, specifically in photography, but it also opens up the doorway of possibility to all other areas of your life.
Don’t wait another second -- start FEASTING on your life today!

Emily Wilcox
Life Feast helped me out BIG TIME during the “shelter in place” order. You can’t juggle everything that has been going on - work, homeschooling, stress - and do it all perfectly! The F*ck perfectionism bonus helped me to accept successes even when they weren’t perfect. Life Feast saved my happiness! I looked into The Life Feast because of the photography, but decided to enroll because of the positive psychology. I’m so glad I did! - Emily Wilcox, working mom of two and life feaster